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Race Equality Programme

Tackling race equality and working together to create an anti-racist culture through the elimination of bias, discrimination and injustice across systems and institutions

Mayor Steve Rotheram at Race Equality Hub

The Programme

LCRCA is currently developing a programme that seeks to tackle race equality across the city region. The initial part of the programme involves the development of the research and evidence base, to understand the scale of inequality, identify areas of specific focus on and develop solutions with our key partners and stakeholders. We are also developing some specific areas of work.

  • Introduction

    On the 25th May, news spread of the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, USA, that sparked worldwide demonstrations, protests and vigils in support of racial justice and equality. At the same time, reports emerged that highlighted that the Covid-19 pandemic was having a disproportionate impact on disadvantaged and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups. These factors and the renewed impetus of the Black Lives Matters movement give social and racial justice a new level of urgency.

  • This context, and the global focus on racial injustice and inequalities mean that the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) must also act now to tackle race equality and work together to create an anti-racist culture through the elimination of bias, discrimination and injustice across systems and institutions.

  • Racism is a structural problem which exists in nearly all major institutions and organisations. LCRCA recognises institutional and systemic racism as a legitimate issue, one that has no quick fix, but can no longer go unaddressed.

  • The City Region’s population is increasingly diverse and multicultural, however Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic residents in the City Region face higher employment gaps, are more likely to be economically inactive, are paid less on average than white residents, are more likely to live in poverty and less likely to own their own home. LCRCA accepts that it has an important role to play in tackling this injustice and inequality and driving forward positive change.

  • As a major employer, we must look internally at our own organisation, which is failing to be representative of the population it serves, especially at a senior level. As a funder, we have a responsibility to ensure our programmes are accessible to all of our residents and finally as a key institution in the City Region, we must use our convening and soft powers to set best practice for other organisations and stakeholders to follow. Put simply, we must do the right thing for our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic employees and residents and influence the partners we work with to do the same.

  • Declaration of Intent

    The Declaration of Intent (DOI) sets out a series of commitments and targets around how LCRCA seeks to promote race equality in its areas of influence and responsibility. This means diversifying its workforce and senior leadership, ensuring our services are meeting the needs of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities and using our role as civic leader to actively encourage and support other organisations to promote race equality.

  • Download

    Generations for Change

    This is an action-research project that will enable LCRCA to better understand the barriers and lived experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic young people from across the city region. Working in partnership with the cultural and creative sector, our Young Producers will use a range of creative methods to capture voices and perspectives that will enable us to work with young people in the most dynamic, innovative and creative ways possible and enable young people to advocate for race equality and social justice and make a compelling case for change.

  • More Information

    Race Equality Hub

    The Liverpool City Region Race Equality Hub is an ambitious and innovative approach to tackle race inequality within the Liverpool City Region (LCR).

  • Building upon the city region’s reputation for social justice and equality, the Hub’s primary purpose is to tackle systemic injustice and inequality and drive forward positive change for our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic employees and residents.

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