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Corporate Plan 2024-2028

Liverpool City Region: The best place to grow up, grow a family, and grow a business – where no-one is left behind

River of Light bubbles at Exchange Square, Liverpool


Since the Mayoral Combined Authority was established in 2017, the Combined Authority has invested hundreds of millions of pounds of additional funding in the region, to create jobs and prosperity for our 1.6 million residents.

  • Our Corporate Plan sets out our plans for economic growth over the next four years.

  • Read our Corporate Plan 2024-28 (PDF 6MB)

    Mayor's foreword

    Serving as the region’s first mayor has been the honour of a lifetime, especially as someone who genuinely believes there is nowhere better in the world to spend your time – especially on a sunny day. It is a place with so much to offer.

  • Tackling inequality, driving inclusive growth and ensuring that we leave the next generation and the planet with a better inheritance than we received are at the core of my politics and my administration.

  • I want to make the Liverpool City Region the best place to grow up, grow a family, and grow a business.

  • Since I was elected, we have helped 60,000 people into jobs; rolled out world-class publicly owned trains; helped to build 30,000 homes for families to put down roots; helped hundreds of thousands of our residents get new qualifications and begun the process of bringing our buses back into public control.

  • These are just a few examples of what we can do as a city region with important decisions being made locally.

  • But that is just the start.

  • Transformational projects have been delivered in every borough of the region, which would not have been possible without a mayor or devolution. Our local councils are all pulling in the same direction, shaping the next phase of our development.

  • And we now have a government that wants to work with us to deliver economic growth.

  • The Liverpool City Region is a place steeped in history, a place full of pioneers and talent. While we are proud of our history, we are ready to look forward to an even brighter and more prosperous future.

  • We are ready to become a hub of economic growth through investment in new jobs, digital infrastructure and transport, a leader in the transition to renewable energy, become the best place for businesses to invest, and build on our vision for a city region that embraces innovation at every step.

  • This Corporate Plan is our blueprint for getting there.

  • It clearly articulates a programme of innovation, investment and improvement that will set us up for success for years to come.

  • The election of our new government, which shows signs of being the most pro-devolution Britain has ever seen, offers the chance to turbocharge our work. Rather than working with one hand tied behind our back, we can work hand in hand with them.

  • Working alongside our Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, and his new cabinet, I will ensure that the next chapter in our illustrious history will not be written for us in Westminster or Whitehall – but by us here in the Liverpool City Region.

  • Steve Rotheram signature

  • Steve Rotheram

  • Mayor of the Liverpool City Region

  • Priority Areas


  • The Combined Authority is primarily a strategic economic development organisation, with the economic needs of the region at the centre of everything it does.

  • We are investing hundreds of millions of pounds to grow the economy in every part of the Liverpool City Region: investing in start-ups and fast-growing business, attracting companies to locate here, and delivering the transport, digital infrastructure and skilled workforce that they need to thrive – and create jobs for local residents.

  • People

  • The city region’s economy is powered by the diverse, innovative, creative and hard-working people who live and work here. There is real strength and depth in the region’s workforce.

  • We are investing so that our residents have the right skills and access to opportunities to thrive in the regional economy.

  • Improving health and reducing health inequalities will create the conditions for people to flourish, enabling our residents to better access opportunities, develop better skills, be more productive and prosperous.

  • Place

  • The Liverpool City Region is a place of diversity and vibrancy. Culture is at the very heart of what makes our city region unique.

  • Despite this, the region faces place-based challenges which impact on the quality of life for many of our residents.

  • We are investing to tackle homelessness, increase access to quality housing, improve air quality and tackle the climate emergency through a coordinated, strategic, place-based approach.

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