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UK Community Renewal Fund

The deadline for applications has now passed and no more are being accepted.

The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority is seeking bids from organisations wishing to access funding from the £220m UK Community Renewal Fund.

The Government has introduced the fund as it prepares for the launch of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in 2022, which will replace EU Structural and Investment Funds

The intention of the Fund is “to support people and communities in need across the UK. It will invest in skills, communities, businesses, and by supporting people into employment.”

The deadline for applications is Monday 17 May at 12 noon and all applications must be completed using the national application form.

You can find all key information in our Invitation to Bid.

We are interested in bids in four key areas:

  1. Investment in skills
  2. Investment in local business
  3. Investment in communities and place
  4. Supporting people into employment

The invitation to bid covers the whole of the city region, but applicants should note that, within the City Region, St Helens is the only place identified amongst the Government’s 100 “priority places” across the UK.

The UK Government anticipates supporting a range of projects by theme and size, but applicants are encouraged to maximise impact and deliverability through larger projects (£500,000+) where this is possible.

Projects must be delivered, and all activity completed, by 31 March 2022.  Confidence that funding will be spent within that timeframe will be one of the key criteria in assessment.

As 90% of funding available through the UK Community Renewal Fund is revenue funding and only available in 2021/22, projects should be predominantly, or exclusively, revenue based.

Please read the UK Community Renewal Fund Prospectus and the UK Community Fund Technical Note for Project Applicants and Deliverers before starting work on a bid.

You can view the slides from an engagement event we held in April here and we have answered the most frequently asked questions about the Community Renewal Fund here.

If you have any further questions, please email us at [email protected]

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Monday 17 May ( at 12 noon) – Close Bidding Process

Friday 18 June – Shortlist of bids submitted to MHCLG

Late July/August – Projects selected and funding provided

End March 2022 – All activity completed

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