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Local Nature Recovery Strategy

The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority has been appointed by DEFRA to produce a Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) for the city region.

Ducks on Sefton Park lake

The Strategy

Local nature recovery strategies are ambitious, England-wide spatial strategies, designed to support the restoration and enhancement of nature. With support from Natural England and our local authority partners, the strategy will take an evidence-based approach, developed in collaboration with local stakeholders from the public, private and voluntary sectors.

Have your say

 In October 2023 we asked you why nature across the Liverpool City Region is important to you and what you would like to see prioritised in the LNRS. This has informed the nature recovery objectives that our strategy is seeking to achieve.

We are now asking where you think we could direct nature recovery. We’ll use this information to help inform the development of the local habitat map (phase 2) where opportunities for deliverable nature recovery intervention will be highlighted.

Watch: Audio description version

LNRS will…

Map our most valuable existing habitats

Agree priorities for reversing the decline in biodiversity

Map opportunities for nature recovery and wider environmental goals


The UK has lost nearly 50% of its biodiversity, placing it in the top 10% most nature depleted countries in the world. The Liverpool city region is no exception. The region’s post-industrial legacy has left its biodiversity in a state of decline, with a 5% loss of all habitats since the 1980s, including 10% of its most biodiverse grasslands. Since 1970, 36 priority species of plants and animals, have not been seen in the city region and could be considered locally extinct, with a further 34 species not seen since 1989.

The LNRS enables the first step of urgent action required to restore the natural environment, which provides a range of benefits to the people of our region. Nature-based solutions can improve our air and water quality, help us to achieve Net Zero, build resilience to climate change and provide access to thriving green spaces


Phase one map of existing areas of importance for nature. Phase two nature recovery opportunities map in development. Click here to open map in new window.

More information can be found on the government website

A message from the Mayor

“Over the past few decades, we’ve seen the precious habitats and ecosystems of some of our native species left exposed to both human activity and the effects of climate change – and the results are alarming. With so much of our country’s wildlife and natural biodiversity at risk, these fragile ecosystems need to be protected more than ever.

Wildlife is something to be cherished and protected for future generations, so we’re taking decisive action to start to tackle the decline of wildlife across our region. How fantastic would it be, for example, to see our famous red squirrel population growing again?

Our residents deserve to live in a greener, cleaner city region with thriving green spaces on their doorstep and protecting and sustaining our natural world will be key to achieving that ambition. While we’re only at the beginning of this journey, I’m confident we can start to make a really positive difference.”

Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram

LNRS Progress

Preparation of the Liverpool City Region LNRS is underway. The Combined Authority is leading this work with support from Merseyside Environmental Advisory Service, academic partners, local environmental record centres, and our local authorities as supporting authorities to the LNRS.  We are also working closely with local experts, Natural England, Forestry Commission and Environment Agency, and our Local Nature Partnership are undertaking an advisory role.

The first phase of mapping has been completed and is displayed on our website. This map identifies “areas of particular importance for biodiversity” as defined by DEFRA, which are existing designated nature sites (core sites) and irreplaceable habitats.

A public engagement survey has been carried out, allowing the public to have their say on their priorities for nature across the City Region.  The survey has now closed, however if you are a farmer, landowner or representative of an organisation and would like to get involved, please get in touch via the LNRS inbox. There will be a second phase of public consultation in early 2025. Keep an eye on this webpage and our social media channels to find out when this goes live.

We are currently finalising our strategic objectives for the strategy, incorporating technical evidence, stakeholder input and the public’s views. Phase two of mapping is now underway and will identify areas where there are opportunities for nature recovery interventions.

We will continue to share updates as the strategy develops.


Local Nature Recovery Strategy FAQ's


Local Nature Recovery Strategy FAQ's for Land Managers


May 2024

LNRS Advisory Board Minutes 1st May 2024


April 2024

LNRS Habitat Working Group Workshop Summary 17 April


LNRS Technical Advisory Panel Minutes 24th April 2024


March 2024

Species Technical Group Minutes 04 March 2024


LNRS Advisory Board Minutes 13th March 2024


Habitat Working Group Workshop Summary 18 March 2024


February 2024

LNRS Technical Advisory Panel Minutes 28th Febraury 2024


January 2024

LNRS Advisory Board Minutes 23rd January


LNRS Technical Advisory Panel Minutes 15th January


December 2023

Species Technical Group Workshop Minutes 06 December 2023


November 2023

LNRS Advisory Board Minutes 14th November


LNRS Technical Advisory Panel Minutes 22 November


Get in touch

If you’d like to get in touch about the LNRS, you can contact [email protected]

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