Liverpool City Region Combined Authority publishes budget proposals

  • The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority has today published its budget proposals for 2018/19.

  • Speaking about the plans, Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram said:

  • “These proposals set out our key priorities for the next 12 months and how, as a Combined Authority, we will spend our resources in support of our vision for an ambitious, fair, green and connected City Region that works better together.

  • “As a streamlined and strategic authority we want to make prudent use of our resources and ensure that money is directed at projects that will deliver growth, investment and opportunity to all our communities.

  • “Devolution is about making more decisions for ourselves and so we need to make sure we are spending money where it has a real impact, improving lives and opportunities for people across our City Region.”

  • “Through the gainshare element of our devolution agreement we have secured an additional £900 million for our City Region over 30 years, money that we have been investing in creating more jobs, apprenticeships and economic growth.

  • “But since my election we have also attracted nearly half a billion pounds in additional money to support investment in roads, transport and combatting homelessness.”

  • Last week, the Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram confirmed that no precept would be levied on Council Tax bills this year – ensuring that for the year 2018/19 no additional financial burden would be placed on residents of the Liverpool City Region.

  • Some of the key proposals presented by the Metro Mayor within the proposed budget include:

    • £1.6m funding to support key mayoral priorities, including digital connectivity, the Mersey Tidal project and how we make best use of new bus powers for the benefit of the City Region economy.
    • Commissioning a new ferry to cross the River Mersey
  • The budget will also support the establishment of the necessary capacity to enable the Combined Authority to deliver an investment fund that is already in excess of £1bn.

  • The Combined Authority Budget will be presented for approval at the next meeting of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority on Friday, 2 February 2018.

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