Liverpool City Region Apprenticeship Portal Shortlisted For European Award

Be-More, the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority’s UCAS-style apprenticeship portal, has been shortlisted for a prestigious European award.

  • The UK’s first local one-stop web portal for apprenticeships was one of only ten projects selected by a Citizens’ Jury, from more than 400 entries across Europe.

  • Be-More – – was created earlier this year and brings together apprenticeship opportunities from employers so that prospective apprentices in the Liverpool City Region can find the information they need in one place.

  • In total, more than 5,000 people have used the on-line portal since its launch in March 2019.

  • The Liverpool City Region will be up against rivals from Germany, Ireland, France, Italy, Holland, Sweden and Lithuania at the ‘Innovation in Politics Awards’ event in Berlin on Wednesday, 4 December, 2019.

  • Be-More was shortlisted by a Citizens’ Jury made up of more than 1,000 people.

  • Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram, who started his career as an apprentice bricklayer, has long campaigned for parity of esteem for vocational training and promised to develop an apprenticeship portal in his 2017 manifesto.

  • Speaking about the nomination, Steve Rotheram said:

  • “We are determined to ensure that we have the right apprenticeships in place across our city region, delivering the opportunities our people need and the skills our employers are crying out for.  Be-More has been hugely successful in enabling would-be apprentices to find suitable apprenticeships and we have been continually improving it, with additional functions and information.  I’m very proud that our innovative approach has been recognised at a European level.”

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