New Trains and Headbolt Lane Station Update

  • A spokesperson for the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority said: 

  • “We can confirm that Mayor Rotheram met with the Chief Executive of train manufacturer Stadler yesterday afternoon. In what was a full and frank exchange of views the Mayor made clear, in no uncertain terms, that current performance of the fleet roll-out had been frustratingly poor and demanded immediate improvements for passengers.

  • “While we are all exceptionally proud of the investment we’ve made in the country’s first publicly owned trains in a generation, we are aware that the standards of service specifically on the Kirkby line have fallen well below the high standards that passengers rightly expect.

  • “During the introduction of any new technology, such as the battery powered fleet, initial problems are to be expected. However, particularly since the opening of the new £80m Headbolt Lane station, the new trains servicing it have been very unreliable and the Mayor and Combined Authority officers have repeatedly raised concerns about the level of performance with Stadler and also urged Merseyrail as the train operator to do everything possible to minimise disruption.

  • “The Mayor sought assurances that the level of service and reliability would improve (as initial teething problems are resolved). Promised performance improvements have not been delivered to date and the CA will be holding commercial discussions to identify appropriate compensation for passengers for the disruption caused.

  • “The Mayor will be making an announcement on what this looks like in the near future. It is our hope – and belief – that these months of disruption will soon be behind us and passengers will enjoy decades of service from a modern, accessible and innovative fleet of trains.”

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